Sexual Offences
The Criminal Code of Canada outlines various sexual offences and provides definitions and penalties for these offences. Here are some examples of sexual offences under the Canadian Criminal Code:
Some of the key sexual offences in Canada include:
Sexual Assault (Section 271):
This offence involves intentionally applying force to another person without their consent for a sexual purpose. It can also involve sexual activity without consent, even if force is not used.
Sexual Assault with a Weapon or Causing Bodily Harm (Section 272):
This is an aggravated form of sexual assault involving the use of a weapon causing bodily harm or threatening to use a weapon or cause harm.
Aggravated Sexual Assault (Section 273):
This offence involves sexual assault that results in wounding, maiming, disfiguring, or endangering the life of the victim.
Sexual Interference (Section 151):
Sexual interference occurs when an adult engages in any sexual activity with a person under the age of 16, even if the minor appears to consent.
Invitation to Sexual Touching (Section 152):
This offence pertains to inviting, counselling, or inciting a person under 16 to engage in any sexual activity.
Sexual Exploitation (Section 153):
It is an offence for a person in a position of trust or authority to engage in sexual activity with a young person under the age of 18 or to sexually exploit them in any way.
Child Pornography Offences (Sections 163.1 to 163.2):
The Criminal Code contains various offences related to child pornography, including creating, distributing, or possessing explicit images of minors.
Voyeurism (Section 162):
Voyeurism involves surreptitiously observing or recording another person’s private activities for a sexual purpose without their consent.
Indecent Acts (Section 173):
This offence covers various indecent acts performed in public or near a public place that may offend public decency, such as engaging in sexual activity in a public park.
Bestiality (Section 160): Bestiality is the act of engaging in sexual activity with an animal and is considered an offence under Canadian law.
Luring a Child (Section 172.1):
This offence pertains to using electronic means to communicate with a minor for the purpose of facilitating a sexual offence or inviting the child to engage in sexual activity.
Human Trafficking (Sections 279.01 to 279.03):
The Criminal Code addresses various aspects of human trafficking, including trafficking for sexual exploitation.
Penalties for these offences can vary depending on the circumstances and severity of the crime, and they may include imprisonment, probation, registration as a sex offender, and more. If you have been charged with a sexual offence in Canada, seeking the assistance of an experienced criminal defence lawyer is essential to protect your rights and navigate the legal process effectively. Let the lawyers at Cooper Lord Law help to defend you.