Crimes Against Privacy
In Canada, crimes against privacy are covered under various sections of the Criminal Code, as well as other legislation. These crimes involve invading someone’s privacy, unlawfully obtaining or disclosing private information, or engaging in unauthorized surveillance or interception of private communications.
Some of the key crimes against privacy in Canada include:
Publication of Intimate Images Without Consent (Section 162.1):
This law criminalizes the sharing, distribution, or publication of intimate images or videos without the consent of the individuals involved.
Unlawful Interception of Communications (Section 184):
Intercepting private communications without the consent of all parties involved is a criminal offence in Canada.
Criminal Harassment (Section 264):
Criminal harassment includes repeatedly following, communicating with, or watching someone in a way that causes them to fear for their safety or the safety of others.
Fraudulent Use of Credit Card Data (Section 342.01):
This offence involves possessing or trafficking credit card data with the intent to commit fraud.
Unauthorized Access to Computer Systems (Section 342.1):
This offence involves accessing a computer system, data, or network without proper authorization, or exceeding authorized access.
Identity Theft (Section 402.2):
Identity theft refers to the fraudulent use of another person’s identity or personal information for unlawful purposes.
Your Defence Against Allegations
It’s important to note that privacy laws and regulations may also exist at the provincial level in Canada, providing additional protection for individuals’ personal information. If you are facing charges related to privacy offences, consulting with a knowledgeable criminal defence lawyer is crucial to understand your rights and explore the best possible legal defence. Call an experienced criminal defence lawyer at Cooper Lord Law today to discuss your options.